When I was in the 5th Grade, we studied Ohio History. Appropriately enough, the 5th Grade teachers, Mms. Thornton and Underwood organized a field trip around historic Licking County. We went to Bob's, a supposed stop on the Underground Railroad, Buckeye Lake's Cranberry Bog, the Licking County Historical Society's Museum, Moundbuilders Park, and Black Hand Gorge. I listened as I should, but there were a few things I learned that didn't sit well with me.
Moundbuilders Park in its Trolley Days iteration as an amusement park.
At Moundbuilders Park, home of the Great Circle Mound and past home as a military training base, a fairground, an interurban place-to-go for picnics, and even a cornfield, I was told that the Moundbuilders built it using fire-hardened, pointed sticks and woven baskets. We also ate lunch there, so I had some time to mentally digest what I heard. Okay, the math does not agree. Nobody did the math!?!? College level archaeologists did not do the math! It gets worse when you look at Mound Builders Octagon Mound. It has been shown that the 18-1/2 Year Lunar Cycle was built into the mound system. How could illiterate Moundbuilders, whose technology appears to be strictly Stone Age - pointy sticks and arrowheads, create these structures in Newark/Heath. The math is completely trashed when experts try to sell the same story at Fort Ancient. Yet, this is the claim of Ohio's experts.
Mound surrounded by Homer's Cemetery, giant skeletons were uncovered here.
Other answers are available. And no, I am not crazy as you may well wish to believe.
SKELETONS CENTREBURG SEVEN FEET LONG CENTREBURG, Ohio, May 4,-Licking County has been fo[r] years a favorite field for students of I[n]dian history, there being here two old forts and scores of mounds. Last week a small mound near Homer was opened by some schoolboys, who found a skeleton. Today a further search was made, and several feet below the surface of the earth in a large vault, with stone floor and bark covering, were found four huge skeletons, three being each over seven feet in length and the other eight. The skeletons lay with their feet to the east on a bed of charcoal in which were numerous partially burned bones. About the neck of the largest skeleton were a lot of stone beads, evidently a necklace in life. The grave contained about 80 stone vessels and implements, the most striking being a curiously wrought pipe, the bowl having a series of carved figures upon it resting a contest between animals and birds. It is said to be the only engraved stone pipe ever found. A stone kettle holding about a gallon, in which was a residue of saline matter, bears evidence of much skill. Their bows, a number of arrows, stone hatchets, and a stone knife are among the implements. The knife is of peculiar shape, with a curved blade and wooden handle. Students in Indian archaeology claim that it is the most valuable find ever made in that line.
The New York Times, May 5 1885
There is an oral tradition found among First Nation tribes of a horrible war fought against the giants to liberate humans from the giant's whims. There is DNA evidence that the South American giants (Rephaim) fled Canaan as Moses and the Israelites advanced to the Jordan. Rehab, a madame of Jericho, elaborates,
8 Before the spies lay down for the night, she [Rahab-TEB], went up on the roof 9 and said to them, “I know that the LORD has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you. 10 We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og [both giants - TEB], the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed. 11 When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the LORD your GOD is GOD in heaven above and on the earth below.
Joshua 2:8-11 [NIV]
The evidence of giants flies in the face of Darwinism. Giant skeletons were often sent to the Smithsonian where they disappeared. The Smithsonian believes in Darwinism. Some cry out about a conspiracy while others comment that once exhumed, an unfossilized bones will rapidly decay due to exposure to normal atmosphere. Besides, from time to time, they say, the Smithsonian needs to clean house.
We know very little about the Moundbuilders, that is to say the Adena and Hopewell cultures. When the earliest European settlers asked First Nation people about the mounds, the First Nation said, 'It wasn't us.' There were no Adenas or Hopewells around to ask. There is a rich pre-history to Alexandria and St. Albans that we know nothing of.

Alexandria had an Adena Indian village and mound just west of town. The circular mound was about 70 feet across and four feet high was investigated and recorded by Squire, Davis, and Parker in the 1840s. It was located where Route 37, Duncan Plains and Castle Road connect. There is no evidence left, having been plowed over for decades. Stone artifacts of the Adena village were found on the north terrace above the Raccoon Creek. Personally, I recovered an Indian hand hammer that fits my palm perfectly near on the terrace above the Racoon Flood Plain. This area is near the old Buffalo Trace which became the T&OC right-of-way and is now a portion of the Evans Bike Trail.
I do not believe in ancient aliens, based on my experience of watching radar throughout the night. I am, however, suggesting a lot of things. Darwinism is a conjecture, not even a theory. Yet our schools teach this as fact. The history of the Adena and Hopewell cultures of the Moundbuilders is a house of cards, ready to fall in the light of truth. Do not be deceived.